epa06709638 (FILE) - The former chairman of the board of directors of Volkswagen AG, Martin Winterkorn arrives at the federal government office to attend a German parliamentary commission investigating the diesel emissions scandal, in Berlin, Germany, 19 January 2017 (issued 03 May 2018). Former Volkswagen CEO, Martin Winterkorn, has been indicted on fraud charges in the US over its efforts to conceal compliance with US federal emission standards. EPA/FELIPE TRUEBA

Vw: archiviato procedimento contro ex ceo Winterkorn

Il procedimento giudiziario contro l’ex capo della Volkswagen, Martin Winterkorn, è stato archiviato. Lo ha reso noto il tribunale di Braunschweig.

Il processo per truffa nell’ambito dell’inchiesta sul dieselgate, in agenda per fine febbraio, non si terrà. 

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