On 12 July 2018 in the State of Palestine, 14-year old Marwan sits on the roof of his house to study in the H2 area of Hebron. The space provides quiet and calm for Marwan, which is hard to come by inside or out of his home. He lives with his parents, five siblings, seven members of his uncles family and another family of three. Marwans hectic home is in Hebrons old city, part of what is known as the H2 area, where around 40,000 of the citys quarter of a million population live. The H2 area is punctuated by security checkpoints that Marwan and his peers must navigate to reach their classrooms. Delays in letting children pass, harassment and abuse by security forces and settlers are all part of the twice daily journey. In July 2018, almost all Palestinian children, between the ages of six and nine, are in school, but by age 15, nearly 25 per cent of boys have dropped out, according to the State of Palestine: Country Report on Out-of-School Children. The report, from UNICEF in the State of Palestine and the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), highlights the multiple and often inter-related factors behind why children are out of school. This includes low quality education, that is often seen as not relevant to young lives, as well as poverty, physical and emotional violence in schools, including from teachers and peers, and armed conflict. ANSA/ UFFICIO STAMPA UNICEF/ IZHIMAN +++ ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING +++

Il 25% dei ragazzi palestinesi lascia la scuola

A 15 anni, in Palestina circa il 25% dei ragazzi e il 7% delle ragazze non vanno più a scuola. E’ quanto emerge dal rapporto realizzato dall’Unicef Palestina e dell’Istituto di statistica dell’Unesco, in collaborazione con il ministero per l’Istruzione, sui minori che abbandonano gli studi. La frequenza scolastica è quasi totale tra i bambini di età compresa fra i 6 e i 9 anni, ma si riduce tra gli adolescenti. La situazione è leggermente peggiore in Cisgiordania (i ragazzi che non vanno a scuola sono il 18,3%) rispetto a Gaza (14,7%).

Tra i motivi principali dell’abbandono c’è un’istruzione di scarsa qualità, spesso vista come un fattore non rilevante nelle vite dei ragazzi, la violenza fisica ed emotiva a scuola (sia da parte degli insegnanti che dei coetanei) e il conflitto armato. Altro problema è l’accesso alle scuole visto che in Cisgiordania, i bambini sono spesso costretti ad attraversare numerosi checkpoint, blocchi stradali o aggirare gli insediamenti israeliani per arrivare in aula.

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