epa05876841 An undated handout photo made available by the London Metropolitan Police on 29 March 2017 showing Andrei Burnaz and Andreea Cristea, two of the people who were injured following the London Westminster attacks 22 March 2017. Andreea Cristea fell into the River Thames from Westminster Bridge after being driven at by Khalid Masood. She was with her boyfriend Andrei Burnaz. Andreea is still in a critical but stable condition and Andrei has since been discharged from hospital. They were on a short break in London at the time of the attack. Both Andreea and Andrei are from Romania. EPA/LONDON METROPOLITAN POLICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Londra: muore ragazza caduta nel Tamigi durante l’attacco

LONDRA. E’ morta Andreea Cristea, 31 anni, la donna romena rimasta gravemente ferita dopo l’attacco di Londra, nel corso del quale era caduta dal Westminster Bridge dentro il Tamigi ed era stata recuperata dai soccorritori. Ne dà notizia la Bbc. Il numero delle vittime dell’attentato sale così a cinque.

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Incendio nel carcere minorile Beccaria, il rogo partito da un materasso: nessun ferito

Dopo lo scandalo dei soprusi ai danni dei detenuti, arriva la notizia di un incendio …

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