epa08331807 (FILE) - A file picture dated 26 September 2018 shows Manolis Glezos during a protest against property auctions in Athens, Greece. Veteran leftist and resistance fighter Manolis Glezos has died at the age of 98, on 30 March 2020. An active member of Greece's resistance to the Nazis, Glezos is best known for joining forces with fellow teenager Apostolos Santas in 1941 and tearing down the Nazi flag from the Acropolis, at a time when occupying German forces held Athens. His involvement with the Left in the years that followed, with parties such as EDA and the Communist Party of Greece, meant that he spent much of his life in prison or island 'exile', while he was a prominent figure in Greek politics and at one point even sentenced to death. After the fall of the Greek junta in 1974, he was elected an MP with the PASOK party in 1980, without joining the party, but later withdrew from central politics in 1986 to stand for local government in his native village Apeiranthos.In June 2012, he was once again elected a deputy with leftist SYRIZA and gained a seat in the European Parliament two years later. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU

Morto Glezos, leggenda Resistenza greca

E’ morto all’età di 97 anni Manolis Glezos, leggenda della resistenza greca contro l’occupazione nazifascista e storico esponente della sinistra ellenica, entrato nella Storia per aver staccato la bandiera con la svastica dall’Acropoli di Atene nel 1941. Lo ha annunciato la tv pubblica Ert. Il generale Charles De Gaulle lo aveva definito “il primo resistente d’Europa”.

Era ricoverato dal 18 marzo in un ospedale ateniese per un’infezione urinaria ed una gastroenterite.

Circa Redazione


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