epa08700714 A frame grab from handout video provided by the Armenian Ministry of Defence allegedly shows an Azerbaijani tank being destroyed by the Armenian army at the frontline of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, between Armenia and Azerbaijan, issued 27 September 2020. According to media reports, Armenia has imposed martial law after clashes have erupted in the territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, with both sides reporting civilian deaths after alleged shelling, artillery and air attacks along the front. EPA/MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF ARMENIA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Armenia-Azerbaigian: Italia chiede di fermare violenze

La Farnesina esprime “preoccupazione per le notizie di gravi scontri lungo la linea di contatto fra le forze armate azere ed armene. L’Italia chiede alle parti l’immediata cessazione delle violenze e l’avvio di ogni sforzo, in particolare sotto gli auspici dell’Osce, per prevenire i rischi di ulteriore escalation”, si legge in una nota del ministero degli Esteri.

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Ong World Central Kitchen: 7 membri dello staff uccisi

Sono sette gli operatori umanitari della ong World central kitchen morti in un raid israeliano …

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