epa06218776 (FILE / COMPOSITE) - A combo file picture shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (L) in Pyongyang, North Korea, 10 January 2016, and US President Donald J. Trump (R) at the UN headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 19 September 2017 (images reissued 22 September 2017). The North Korean leader released a statement on 22 September 2017, vowing to make US President Trump 'pay dearly' for threatening North Korea in remarks he made during the 72nd United Nations General Assembly held in New York, New York, USA. President Trump, during the assembly on 19 September 2017, vowed to 'totally destroy' North Korea if it posed threats to the USA and its allies. North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho warned that Pyongyang may be preparing for a hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific Ocean in response to the US President's intimidations, hours after Trump imposed fresh sanctions against the North for its nuclear weapons programs, media reported. EPA/KCNA / JUSTIN LANE EDITORIAL USE ONLY

Trump, vertice con Kim il 12 giugno a Singapore

Lo storico vertice tra Donald Trump e Kim Jong-un si terrà a Singapore il prossimo 12 giugno. Lo rivela su Twitter il presidente americano.

Trump assicura che “entrambi cercheremo di renderlo un momento davvero speciale per la pace nel mondo”.

Poi sul tema della lotta al terrorismo il presidente statunitense sempre su Twitter annuncia:  ‘Catturati i cinque leader piu’ ricercati dell’Isis!’.


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