epa05053235 An FBI agent enters a condominium thought to be the home of the San Bernardino shooting suspects or their family, in Redlands, near San Bernardino, California, USA, 03 December 2015. The shooting spree in which 14 people were killed and 17 wounded in San Bernardino was carried out by a local couple, police said overnight. The suspects, who died in a shootout with police hours after the massacre 02 December at a conference centre, were Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office said. They may have been married. EPA/PAUL BUCK

California, killer forse radicalizzato

 E’ probabile che Syed Rizwan Farook, uno dei due killer della strage di San Bernardino, fosse radicalizzato. Lo affermano fonti dell’Fbi alla Cnn, spiegando che l’uomo era in contatto telefonico e via social media con piu’ di un soggetto legato al terrorismo internazionale.

Circa Roberto Cristiano


Baltimora, ponte crolla in acqua dopo urto con una nave: si temono morti e feriti

Si temono morti e feriti a Baltimora, nello Stato americano del Maryland, dopo che una …

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