epa04459417 Members of the Tunisian security services take up a position around the area where police forces exchanged gunfire with alleged militants who had taken refuge in a house in the town of Oued Ellil, on the outskirts of the capital Tunis, Tunisia, 23 October 2014. According to Mohamed Ali Aroui, spokesman for the Interior Ministry, security forces surrounded a house containing a suspected terror cell believed to have been planning an attack during the upcoming parliamentary elections 26 October, and reports state as the opeation continued at least one Tunisian policeman was killed and several others wounded in an ensuing fire fight between Tunisian security forces and those inside the building. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA

Tunisia, scontri a Sousse per la chiusura della moschea

Scontri tra manifestanti e forze dell’ordine nella tarda serata di ieri a Kalaa Kebira (Sousse) a causa dell’applicazione del provvedimento del governo di chiusura delle moschee fuori dal controllo statale. I fedeli della moschea, secondo i media locali, hanno iniziato a lanciare pietre contro la polizia che ha risposto con i gas lacrimogeni per disperdere la folla.

Circa Alessandro Moschini


Baltimora, ponte crolla in acqua dopo urto con una nave: si temono morti e feriti

Si temono morti e feriti a Baltimora, nello Stato americano del Maryland, dopo che una …

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